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LBRY Claims • A-rant-“Come-out-of-her-my-people”


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20 Jan 2023 23:40:34 UTC
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A rant “Come out of her my people”
It’s too late to fix or change any human created civil law system of government. It’s too late to create a new human civil law system of government. The only options now are: 1) “Come out of her my people” or 2) surrender and accept being civilian bound to the Great Whore Babylon.

“If we search out the origins of Roman law, we must study Babylon…”
• Pollack & Maitland, The History of the English Law Before the time of Edward I. p.561

“The civil law arose from the ashes of the old Roman Empire and added to its emperor worship the cloak of nominal Christianity. By the tenth century, the imperial Roman Church had become the chief carrier of the old Roman Empire’s civil law tradition; the visible trappings and ceremony of its religious-political doctrines, through deceit, lent an air of intimidation, respectability, and prestige. Thus, by the canon law, ancient Rome’s civil law persisted, not only in its continental presence but also by its tentacles –reaching, groping, grasping, throughout the world. By the seventh century, Roman law again reached into Britain. This time, however, not by Rome’s legions but by Rome’s priesthood. Thus began in earnest the struggle between the common law and the civil law, between Scriptures and Justinian’s Code. That struggle came to dominate, define, and determine the history of Britain, her colonies, North America, and the United States.” • Brent Winters, The Excellence of Common Law: Compared & Contrasted with Civil Law In Light of History, Nature & Scripture; p. 38

Quotes from: “Missing Links Discovered In Assyrian Tablets” by E. Raymond Capt, M.A., A.I.A., F.S.A., Scot Chapter 12, p.199
“Their [U.K. & USA] legal systems and constitutions are built upon the same Common Law, which had its origin in the Law of Moses – the Law of the LORD – hence the fame of American & British justice throughout the world. We should point out that these laws formed a part of our culture long before the Christian Era. These facts give us added proof, forming another ‘link’ in the chain of evidence connecting us with ancient Israel.
The Common Law began in England as far back as 1100 BC when it was codified by Brutus (Brute) of Troy. Brutus was a great grandson of Aenaes, a descendant of Judah-Zarah [See Genesis 38: 27-30]. The Law was again codified by Malmutius – about 500 BC. King Alfred the Great again codified it. Alfred, the renown Saxon law-giver and Administrator during the Saxon period, places the Divine origin of the Law in the forefront. The following is taken from “Alfred the Great” which proclaims the law of Moses as the basis of Anglo-Saxon Administration:
The King’s Laws
“…coming, then to his task with this in view, we find Alfred’s code, or Alfred’s dooms as they are called, starting with an almost literal transcript of the Decalogue. The only variations of any moment are, that the second commandment is omitted from its right place, and stands as the tenth…immediately after the Ten Commandments come selections from the Mosaic Code, chiefly from the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd chapters of Exodus, very lightly modified”

United States supreme Court, Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973): “In this country, the law in effect in all but a few States until mid-19th century was the pre-existing English common law...It was not until after the War Between the States that legislation (civil law) began generally to replace the common law.”

“Before the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 justice was administered in England chiefly in people’s courts and the law enforced was in the strictest sense unwritten; that is, it was handed down by oral tradition. After the conquest the king gradually established a system of royal or king’s courts which eventually all but crowded out the Anglo-Saxon [people’s] courts. The theory of the king’s courts was that the king was the fountainhead of justice and judges acted as his agents…Purely traditionary law, being administered by the people themselves, does not need to be justified to the people; but the [civil] law as administered by judges who are set over the people [gods many] must be thus justified. The [civil] judge must give his reason or basis for his decision…” Summary of American Law, George L. Clark, p.x Nature & Sources of Law.

The Hebrew word rigmah is translated "council", but literally means a “heap of stones” (altar), or “gathering of stones”. It is from the Hebrew word Regem meaning "friend" & is the same three letters of ragam defined "stone". Gatherings of Stones or Living Stone Altars came together for many different reasons in service to the people: ministerial services: health, education & welfare; judicial services: “people’s courts” administering unwritten law while Israel was scattered, not knowing that their customs came from Horeb/Sinai and the Torah.
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