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LBRY Claims • sirius-by-m-temple-richmond


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Created On
18 Jun 2019 11:12:30 UTC
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Safe for Work
Sirius by M Temple Richmond - Now available in a digital version
The classic esoteric text on the metaphysical importance of the Dog Star Sirius is now available in digital format.

In *Sirius* astrologer M. Temple Richmond offers a fresh look at the spiritual significance and astrological influence of this important and widely recognized fixed star.

Drawing from the literature of the Ageless Wisdom tradition, the text demonstrates that Sirius:

• Radiates the qualities of universal love and intuition
• Functions as part of a vast cosmic heart center
• Is linked with universal and cosmic principles, such as the Laws of Karma and Periodicity
• Is the Great Star of Initiation, the origin of Hierarchy, and the home of the Masonic Tradition
• Manifests as the Principle of Freedom
• Reveals the distinction between good and evil through divine discriminating conscience
• Enhances the server's ability to cooperate with Hierarchy and the Plan
• Acts through an intricate system of astrological intermediaries

The text concludes with a meditation on Sirian qualities and a comprehensive glossary of esoteric terms. Astrologers, Masons, Theosophists, and enthusiasts of the Alice Bailey literature will all delight in the revelations to be found in Sirius.

*Sirius* is available from all Amazon KIndle stores.
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