Chemistry 3B: Chemical Structure and Reactivity. Spring 2006. Professor Peter Vollhardt.
Chemistry 3B represents the second semester of ... all ยป the standard organic chemistry series at UC Berkeley. It covers conjugation, aromatic chemistry, carbonyl compounds, carbohydrates, amines, carboxylic acids, amino acids, peptides, proteins, and nucleic acid chemistry. Ultraviolet spectroscopy and mass spectrometry will be introduced. Organic chemistry is a specific discipline within the subject of chemistry. It is the scientific study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of chemical compounds of carbon and hydrogen, which may contain any number of other elements, such as...
Applied Science & Technology 210 / Electrical Engineering 213: Soft X-Rays and Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation
Lecture 21: Coherence, spatial and temporal
Professor David T. Attwood, Electrical Engineering Professor in Residence, Professor Attwood's research interests include short wavelength electromagnetics, soft x-ray microscopy, coherence, and EUV lithography.
[courses] [ee213] [fall2005]
"Prof. Richard Karp - ""Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing""
A 10-year, $60M institute that Berkeley won in May as a result of a nationwide competition. The Institute will bring together scientists from around the world to explore fundamental issues in the theory of computing and cast a ""computational lens"" on phenomena in biology, physics, economics, digital systems, engineering and commerce that can be described in terms of computational processes."