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LBRY Claims • june-17-2019-dreams-be-humble


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24 Jan 2024 07:12:55 UTC
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June 17 2019 dreams: "Be Humble"
00:11 weather update

00:38 I seem to have a cold but I don't think it's a "real" cold but a systemic directed energy attack creating physical symptoms that mimic a viral illness (sore throat, headache, muscle aches, lethargy, runny nose, coughing, etc).

01:15 The way directed energy attacks seem to work is they attack one part of the body, let up, then attack another part of the body, and cycle. There is no doubt in my mind that the goal is to kill - to kill in this way, they're just attacking different parts of the body over a long term and waiting to see which terminal disease you develop first. That is really what I think.

01:53 Anyone who wants me to wait longer to get out of this situation, wants me to die. This is the truth.

02:20 Quote: "In order to be humble, you have to choose your own path."

02:39 I googled the phrase & top result linked to 1970s "Choose Your Own Adventure" books.

03:21 Regarding the idea of being "humble." By the way - as I write this description on June 18 I'm increasingly convinced that there's a play here on "humble" and "Humboldt" - where I'm from - and that a lot of these problems are coming from people linked to Humboldt County.

Kendrick Lamar - HUMBLE. video published 3/30/17 less than two weeks after the murders of Allen Collins, Jason D. Benton, and Timmy Thompson.

04:40 One of the reasons I tried to go along with the instructions that were be communicated to me (and which were always followed up with various types of covert threats & retaliation) is that I didn't want to be told it was my fault if things didn't go my way, as this too was going on (a lot of blaming me for being too assertive, aggressive, talking to much, saying/doing things wrong, etc). So I tried to negotiate with these forces in all different ways, especially in 2015 and 2016 even though a great deal of what I was being told to do was completely nonsensical - only eat certain kinds of foods, make sure my grocery receipts added up properly within the occult numerological system, not to seem too smart or answer too many questions in class, not to have opinions, etc.

05:20 Obama & Biden - I hope I'm wrong about them. But I doubt it. I don't think anyone is permitted to make it to the end of a Presidential race without kowtowing to this occult system of Satanic ritual abuse & child trafficking. (Maybe if people started calling it exactly what it is, as I just did in the previous sentence, this could change.)

06:30 I am speaking about Kendrick Lamar's video for "Humble" (walking down the stairs)

06:49 Crow pulls a big wad of cottonwood fiber out of the roof gutter, and picks at it - symbolic, I think, of picking cotton, something that I think is worked into the trickery of the game, this idea that forcing us to work hard at menial "humble" tasks is somehow good for us, ignoring the fact, of course, that we've been forced to "be humble" and do menial work our whole lives... but that's only because this, too, is another oppressors' trick.

07:53 The last thing Allen Collins said to me is "are you working?" It was a Sunday afternoon, and while I was working, I wasn't working at a job for pay. Allen would be shot to death in a parking lot just a few hours later.

I have a strong sense of Catholic church, Catholic values behind this, and I would like to be disengaged from this. People need to look at the Californian Mission system and what it was really like. Anyone with human feelings should understand this system is not something to glorify, continue, or repeat.

Also, while the Catholic Church has done some nice things for me, in the end, they too, were abusive to my daughter in more ways than one. I would rather not go into details about this, but if that's what it takes to disengage with them, I will. I concur with some of their values, but not the part of their value system that exploits, uses, abuses or engages punitively with people who are weak or in a state of need.

I don't think ANYONE should be permitted to spy on children or police private sexual behaviors. I shouldn't even have to say any of this. The first amendment was supposed to say it for me, OBAMA.
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