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LBRY Claims • FunnyMoonFestival2014


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Created On
20 Jun 2019 09:36:55 UTC
Transaction ID
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Funny Moon Festival 2014 Czech Republic

Funny Moon festival (a Psychedelic Goa Trance Festival in Czech Republic since 2005)

We try to keep it in a size so people are actually able to see each other more than once on a party… so that family like atmosphere is being kept up.

The main stage will deliver Alpha and Omega wave, depending on the time of day it will be more mystic nighty style or more totally flying melodic mornig style. But the music is intended to be psychedelic in their own way of experience. Its a GOA party… what to tell you. And maybe not like any other festival.We want something energetic and people be high to the sky or even further JUST from the music…

We definatly want to give people an alternative to the commercial festival machine running every week during the summer.
We are focusing on the spiritual aspect of the party and the energetic wave throughout….
We want also you to feel at home in a family of wonderful people who are still walking the planet.

Psy & Arts gathering In central Europe, finally ending up in countryside of the beautiful Czech Republic. Funny Moon has served as a platform for upcoming DJs, live acts Light Engineers , Adventure Seekers and all sorts of artists from around the globe to meet up in nature, share music, art work and our experiences together and lastly to enjoy a nice festival under the stars ,Sun and rain

All good hearted people,fraggles,elves,pixies,Children and dogs are welcome.

Feel free to mix yourself into this Cosmic society.
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