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LBRY Claims • movie-22-11-29-00h39m27s


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Created On
22 Jan 2023 22:26:19 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
Movie 22 11 29 00h39m27s
If you have a better title than mine and want me to change my video title let me know in comments .. I will probably change the title of the video.

This title "Movie 22 12 29 02h49m30s" means this movie was made on the 2022 year .. 12th month and 29th day at 2am and 49 minutes and 30 seconds... that is the title defined ... this is auto title thing created when the recording started. if the number next to the h(hour) letter is greater than 12 it is pm and just subtract 12 from it..

thanks for looking and listening!! This is sounds of a type that I have made, as this is a live feed video of the noises I have made over the years. 16122 tracks in playlist, average track length: 17:32 Estimated playlist length: 4711 hours 51 minutes 35 seconds (1 track of unknown length) I have 5 playlists playing these songs in random order mixed with the beatdrop reacting to all the sounds that are made. It's non-stop play limited by my network connection that will drop my connection every day or so maybe less or more. this is a resource to be use for your listening to.. or working with to make new things. this statement only holds true for the video feed but, videos Live performance are just the live performance sounds with an image of me playing these sounds enjoy,.. new original being recorded for later mixing.

:WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. The audio as well may trigger an adverse reaction for certain audio sensitive people. Some of the videos can cause anxiety, also someone commented they became possessed by a demon watching. Viewing and listening discretion is advised. :WARNING:

if you subscribe to me I will subscribe to you Usually thanks, edit I used to scribe to everyone who commented .. too many comments now ... so I will see your subscriptions but if you ask me to subscribe to you I will that is all you need do .. it would be easier you know.?

I have been playing the supernova II by novation since 2000 mostly as often as I can. I have worked with the presets reprogramming over 1/2 of the over 500 presets .. each preset has 8 patches .. each patch has almost an endless set of settings that can be adjusted during play or set and saved into their own settings. there are 10 sets of 128 patches to be added to each of the 4 sets of 128 performance settings 8 at a time. I get better and better every year 000

This is something I made at the designated time listed in the title. it could be a live performance of me on my supernova II and the macbook pro laptop making video footage and mixing the live video footage with a video of me oil painting I had made months ago... all blending modes are being used one at time about 1 second for each to mix plus the same blend mix with a milkdrop visualizer video, ,,. the blending is also altered via color effects and other effects .. I really like the new audio-video program I have and use now called Max/MSP,.. It is so great for media performance things .. The length is timed via a 10 minute metronome recording type automation. I made about 30 10 minute videos from my performance last night for about 5 hours of just making music on film like this in performance. It also broadcasted to fb and youtube the performance with live milkdrop visuals reacting to the live sounds mixed with a different camera of my performance happening from my desktop a win10 AMD computer 8 core 4gigahz speed,..

the video all would be much smoother with a quicker graphical processor .. but I am ok with this for now. People will mmmm well a friend actually watches my videos or other videos and stops the video at a frame .. these are mostly 60 frames a second.. so 60 different images a second .. my friend will just capture and use a frame for the title of the music and base the whole song just on that image.. I like that he does that and always comments and listens to his song,.. he gives me credit and such that is a real perk going on.. but yeah .. each changing frame is art as much as the whole 10 minutes is art and sound.. my music .. the music I have been making and recording since 2000 with my supernova II synth by novation .. that still plays and yeah I am so much better at playing 22 years later .. is in the mix random and mixed from different years and lengths this would be the whole catalogue of music of mind in a playlist but this playlist is being played in random order. the 16,000 songs where I have the playlist in random order but I have that 6 times so six of my songs together at once .. all the 6 songs keep changing in the same playlist of the 6 players .. 16,000 songs .. I do make new songs and add them to the playlist last month about 200 new songs added , about .. my other videos are different ,..
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