In this video, I will show you how to build, test and publish AWS CDK construct from scratch with projen. After watching this video, you will be able to build your custom CDK construct and publish to npm and pypi.
0:00 Opening
0:11 What is Construct
1:10 What is Projen
1:47 cdk-serverless-lamp
2:15 cdk-k3s-cluster
2:44 cdk-gitlab
3:00 let's create the cdk-bar today
3:35 get it started
4:06 npx projen new
4:34 npx projen new awscdk-construct
5:07 .projenrc.js
6:38 cdkDependencies
8:44 edit src/index.ts
9:44 start creating the Bar construct class
10:21 define the BarProps construct property class
16:03 yarn watch and generate the lib directory
17:34 integ.default.ts for integration testing
21:20 make sure yarn watch returns 0 errors
21:36 npx cdk --app lib/integ.default.js diff
22:23 npx cdk --app lib/integ.default.js deploy
22:42 create cdk-bar github repo
23:08 define the python package in .projenrc.js
24:03 what's inside the the release.yml file
25:14 deployment completed. Now check with browser
26:00 wrap up the integ.default.ts into IntegTesting class
27:42 create snapshot for the integ testing
28:24 create integ.snapshot.test.ts
29:17 yarn test
30:20 yarn build
30:43 configure 3 secrets for your github repo
31:25 git commit
31:33 let's add more exclusion
32:40 git add .
33:30 yarn bump --release-as 0.1.0
33:50 git push
34:00 let's check the release workflow on github
35:04 check the npmjs site
35:19 check the pypi site
35:45 let's update the README
37:04 yarn release
38:40 unit testing
39:22 create default.test.ts
42:15 validate the TaskDefinition in unit testing
44:35 add some cute badges
47:28 Wrap up and closing
In this video, I'll show you how to build the latest Amazon EKS managed nodegroups with spot support in AWS CDK.
0:00 opening
0:06 來談談昨天merge的兩個重要的PR
0:29 Introducing Amazon EKS Spot managed nodegroups
1:15 背後運作原理是什麼
1:44 Capacity Optimized Allocation Strategy是什麼, 如何Rebalancing
3:44 不廢話!show me the code!
4:19 將自己IAM User加入AwsAuth,以瀏覽EKS workloads
5:32 deploy完成,來試試看kubectl get no
5:44 check the console
6:08 今天的重頭戲,開始創建Spot MNG
7:14 再次kubectl get no 獲得十台Spot
7:28 validate from the console
10:45 如果還是需要On Demand怎麼辦
11:14 來看看自動打了什麼node labels
11:58 Wrap-up
In this video, we'll walk you through debugging your CDK application using VSCode Debugger. We'll first dive into a general CDK application with the debugger and then we'll discuss how it could help us to efficiently write the unit tests for that.
0:00 greetings
1:01 writing a DummyStack
2:53 launch.json
4:11 setting breaking points for your CDK App
6:10 writing unit tests
8:05 launch.json for CDK unit tests
8:48 inspect the template using the debugger in the unit tests
9:54 yarn test on the unit tests
10:05 wrapping up
Debugging AWS-CDK deployment using the NodeJS Debugger #10052
Use VSCode debugger when working with AWS CDK
This video shows you the tips on RemovalPolicy customization for all L1 resources in a CDK stack.
0:00 context of the problem
2:25 define a private method update_resource_policy()
3:28 check out the IDs from cdk diff
6:54 cdk synth to verify
8:45 ask Amazon Q to refactor my code with a resource to policy map
10:30 make it customize_removal_policies()
11:00 verify again and it works
11:20 test and verify again
11:36 wrapping up
#AWS #CDK #RemovalPolicy #livecoding