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24 Oct 2023 16:13:30 UTC
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this will induce a “results rush” : put you into a state where you just keep on getting results left and right, on and on at once & making you have all the good things you want instantly

› all desired subliminal results come all together in an extremely rapid rate
› before your next thought/heartbeat, you have all desired subliminal results
› before your next thought/heartbeat, you have manifested your dream life
› before your next thought/heartbeat, you have everything you want
› ˃ᴗ˂ complete results rush;
results rush mode: ON
› now you are at a state of getting results left and right, on and on, you are overloaded with perfect results !
› the speed of your results, while already at the fastest speed keeps on getting even faster and faster, faster than you can ever get a grasp of it
› your manifesting potential and capability is unleashed now
› as if wished upon a million shooting stars, your ideal scenarios/things have come to fruition now
› all these subliminal results are rushing to you; overflowing through your system
› it’s natural order of the world for you to have full subliminal playlist(s) results now, and to have the power to manifest effortlessly and in one go
› the speed, the rate of your results + manifestations is at a whole new level of fast unexplained by science
› appearance related subliminals literally make you morph to your ideals instantly, you have the ability to change into a new person if you wanted right now
› you are surrounded by clean pure energy that feels like happiness, energy that prove how you’re living your dream life and how you are now your perfect self ♡
› open up a new chapter in your life, a brand new fresh start where you are now your perfect self living a perfect life ✿
› have all the benefits you want from subliminals now
› now in the blink of an eye, you have everything you wanted
› vividly see and feel all the benefits on yourself, vividly see and feel yourself having perfect results
› vividly see and feel yourself having the strongest fastest manifestation skills ˃ᴗ˂
› manifest n o w
› regardless of mindset, you are fully capable of having all your subliminal results and everything you want
› like you are a results & happiness magnet, sub/manifesting results keep on flowing to you way too fast on and on
› results come to you than a faster speed you could ever be prepared for
› you are filled with genuine happiness; ?feel like on cloud nine, sky high
› perfect mental and physical health (healthy in all ways)
› feel fulfilled and content
› the full effect and potential of every subliminal you use is unleashed and in your reality in just one listen, all subliminal have complete positive effect on you
› the benefits of all your ideal subliminals are all vividly in your reality now
› in the blink of a eye your life has changed beautifully
› see life in a new perspective,
a refreshing optimistic beautiful perspective, view of life ⭐️
› your appearance, life, complete self is what you perceive as 100% perfect along with constant improvements left and right, on and on
› manifesting is simple to you
› your subconscious mind accepts all safe positive ideal affirmations as simple truth and facts, making you have everything you want instantly
› both your subconscious and conscious mind function healthily
++ safe instant fast subliminal processing
› your mindset and thoughts are all healthy for you
› your mind is at peace, attract happiness everywhere you go
› always have and attract good luck
› you love yourself, you know you’re already perfect and flawless
? be completely confident with yourself
› your vibrations are at an all time high!彡
› you are forever safe and protected, shielded with white light
++ always safe positive results
› only have your ideal results, only your desired benefits apply to you
› forever; permanent results
all your ideal results are lifelong, eternal
› your ideal life is now just a reflection of your actual life
› replicate your exact ideal life;
you are now living an exact copy of your exact ideal life
› everything plays out as you willingly desire, at your exact desired time frames if you want it now then it happens now
› notes, scripting and vision boards intended for manifesting come true instantly
› attract good luck, happiness, wealth, richness, bliss and peace
› one listen of this booster has you set for life, full change
☆ affirmations from your subliminal playlist are a clear reflection of you
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