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LBRY Claims • children-paralyzed-by-who-adviced-vaccines-who-advices-more-vaccines


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Created On
7 Sep 2020 08:05:11 UTC
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Polio vaccine paralyses children WHO writes and advices more polio vaccines as solution.
Insane authorities...

So WHO, the world health organization, finally published news about multiple children in Africa becoming paralyzed and getting polio from the polio vaccine itself (which is largely funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Rotary International and these vaccines are recommended by WHO.
Since at least 2014, probably much longer, upset citizens in Africa and Asia from parents to doctors to local politicians has been protesting about their children being paralyzed by vaccines, which WHO, the Gates foundation and Rotary has then ignored and kept pushing more vaccines.

So what measures do you think WHO advises right away for this outbreak that comes from vaccines, now that they stop ignoring it? To stop vaccinating? No.

To investigate why billions are spent on vaccines that spreads the decease it is supposed to protect from? No.

No, they write that everyone must get polio immunization (vaccines) now, because a bigger outbreak is expected.

No shit Sherlock, people get polio from vaccines and you prescribe more vaccines as the protection, yes of course a bigger outbreak is to be expected with that kind of protection. That will also help them push even more vaccines once again.

The audacity to actually write all this in their own article and people still taking advice from this authority is both completely insane. And the fact that they can keep doing it.,12%20to%2019%20nucleotide%20changes).

As a sidenote Rotary also does many good things and I was a member of two Rotary Clubs in South Africa in 2014-2015 that did many good things for communities and I am in a club in Sweden now.
The problem is that Rotary was sort of infiltrated/duped at the top level by Bill and Melinda Gates foundation since about 10 years back and the clubs follow the top leaders of the organization and WHO kind of blindly and just does what they say.

I have brought vaccine deaths and injuries up in all three clubs and keep doing so when polio comes up, because I know that lives can be saved by rotary one day realizing and acknowledging what is going on and refusing to pay the dirty work of WHO and Gates.
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