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LBRY Claims • 10-minute-guided-meditation-–-the


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19 Mar 2024 19:57:24 UTC
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Safe for Work
10 Minute Guided Meditation – The Secret Garden
The Secret Garden a 10 Minute Guided Meditation

"Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Imagine yourself walking through a forest, surrounded by nature. The birds are singing, and the wind is gently blowing through the leaves. You come upon a secret garden, a place of peace and tranquillity. A place where you can let go of all your worries and simply be. Follow me on this guided meditation to this hidden oasis."

Part 1:
"Imagine yourself standing at the entrance to the secret garden. You push open the gate and step inside. The air is fresh and fragrant, and the sun shines down upon you. You can hear the soft trickle of a nearby fountain. Take a deep breath and feel the warmth of the sun on your face."

Part 2:
"As you walk deeper into the garden, you see a variety of flowers and plants, each with their unique colours and fragrances. Stop for a moment and look around, taking in the beauty of this place. Listen to the sounds of nature around you, the buzzing of the bees, the rustling of the leaves. Close your eyes and breathe in the peace and serenity of this secret garden."

Part 3:
"As you continue walking, you come across a bench made of old, weathered wood. Sit down and relax. Feel the soft, cool earth beneath you. Take a deep breath and let yourself sink deeper into the peace and quiet of this hidden oasis. Imagine yourself surrounded by love and light. You are safe here. You are at peace here."

Part 4:
"Now, imagine yourself walking to the centre of the garden, where you find a beautiful pond surrounded by lily pads. The water is calm and clear, reflecting the sky above. Sit down by the pond, and let your hand touch the water. The coolness of the water is soothing and rejuvenates your soul. Listen to the sound of the water as it gently flows, and feel the tension in your body slowly melt away."

Part 5:
"As you sit by the pond, you notice a small bird flying overhead. Watch as it dips and soars, enjoying its freedom. Let yourself be like the bird, free and light. Let go of any worries or fears. Just be in the moment and enjoy the peace and serenity of the secret garden."

Part 6:
"Now, stand up and start walking again, coming across a small grove of trees. The trees offer a shady spot, and you can feel the coolness of the shade on your skin. Stop and look up at the sky, seeing the branches and leaves of the trees reaching toward the sun. Imagine yourself as one of the trees, rooted and strong, yet flexible and adaptable to the changing world around you."

Part 7:
"Continuing your walk, you come across a small stream, with a bridge crossing over it. Cross the bridge, and stand on the other side, looking back at where you've come from. See how far you've come, and take a moment to acknowledge your strength and resilience. You are capable of overcoming any obstacle in your path."

Part 8:
"As you turn and continue your walk, you come across a small clearing with a sun-drenched meadow. The grass is soft and green, and you can smell the sweet fragrance of wildflowers. Lie down on the grass, and let the sun warm your skin. Feel the softness of the earth beneath you. Allow yourself to relax and soak in the beauty of nature."

Part 9:
"In the distance, you hear the sound of music. It's soft and melodic, and it draws you closer. As you walk, the music gets louder, until you come upon a small stage, where a group of musicians are playing. Sit down and listen to the music, letting it fill your soul. Let the music lift your spirits and bring you joy."

Part 10:
"As the music ends, you feel a sense of gratitude for this secret garden and all the peace and tranquillity it has brought you. Stand up, and take one last look around, imprinting this special place in your memory. When you're ready, slowly start to make your way back to the entrance, taking the peace and serenity of the secret garden with you."

"Take a deep breath, and when you're ready, slowly open your eyes, bringing the peace and serenity of the secret garden back into your life. Remember this place, and return to it whenever you need peace and calm. You are now a part of this secret garden, and it will always be a part of you."

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