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2 Jun 2022 20:28:42 UTC
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NEW MAPI Course: "Islam in the 21st c." (June 20 - Aug 8)
HURRAY! We have now finished all 10 of our MAPI Courses for our 'Master's Degree in Apologetics and Polemics to Islam' program, and are about to start all over again teaching the 10 courses for a second time (it takes 2 years to finish all 10 courses)!

We currently have around 150 students who have taken one or more of the courses in the past 2 years, in one or more of the 3 categories we offer it.

So, beginning on Monday the 20th of JUNE, 2022 (beginning at 8:00p.m. - Eastern Time) Dr Daniel Janosik and Dr Jay Smith will be teaching the first of the 10 course, entitled: IS501-'Islam in the 21st Century'.

We will be looking at the many groups within Islam today, studying who they are, where they came from, what their agenda is, who are the main players, and how we as Christians can engage with them publicly.

To register for the course just e-mail before June 20th to:

We will be teaching this course 'live', via Zoom Webinar, every Monday evening, from 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. (Eastern Time - USA), from June 20th - August 8th, so you can watch the lectures from the comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world, or at any time.

But you need to be a Christian to take this course, due to the fact that it is being taught at the 'Veritas International University' (VIU) which is a Christian seminary, and, therefore, can only permit Christian students to participate.

Every lecture will be recorded, and the URL along with the PowerPoint and PDFs for every lecture will be sent to every registered student, so that those who cannot be at the 'live lectures' (via the Zoom Webinar), can still watch them wherever they are in the world, and at any time they choose.

As we have in the past, we are offering this course for 3 categories of students:

1) Full-TIme Master's or Doctoral Degree Students:
The first category are those students who want to take this course for a Master's or a Doctorate academic credit. This is a 3-credit course, so the fee for each credit is $330, which makes the cost for the whole course around $990 - $1,100 (depending on whether you are a returning or a new student). For these full-time students, the full course itself continues for 15 weeks, stretching from June 20 - September 30 (though there are only 8 weeks of lecture). This will give you ample time to read and then write logs of the books required for the course, participate in the discussions, write your Research papers, and write your final 'open book' exam.

2) Audit Students:
The second category are those students who want to simply audit the course. The fee for this 8-week course is $280. An Audit student will have access to the Populi site where the discussions and assignments are found (like the Full-time academic students), and will have access to the lectures and will be sent the PowerPoints and PDFs to download.

3) Personal Enrichment Students:
The third category are those students who simply want to take this course for their 'Personal Enrichment'. Their fee for the 8-week course is $185. Unlike the Full-time students or the Audit students, they will not have access to the Populi site, but will still have live access to all of the lectures and will be sent the PowerPoints and PDFs to download.

To underline the distinctions, while all of the students in all 3 categories will have access to all of the lectures and to all of the PowerPoints and PDFs for the entire course, the full-time Academic as well as the Audit students will also have admission to the Populi site to participate in the ongoing weekly discussions, and will have access to the reading lists and assignments, though the full-time students will only be required to fulfill them.

If you are interested in any of these 3 levels, simply e-mail the registrar 'Noelle' or 'Peter' at:

But you need to hurry, as the first lecture begins on Monday, June 20th, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (US).

Just e-mail: and tell them 'Jay sent you'

Lecture Topics:

Part 1: Introductions & 'Where is Islam and what is its agenda today?

Part 2: A Breakdown of the various Islamic Groups, and their agendas

Part 3: Defining Radical, Nominal, and Liberal Islam and their examples

Part 4: Comparing Political vs Theological Islam, and Popular vs Academic Islam

Part 5: The Rise of Radical Islam today, and a look at its Roots

Part 6: The Christian Response to Islam in the 21st Century (Evangelism)

Part 7: The Muslim Response to Christianity in the 21st Century (Da'wah)

Part 8: The Future of Islam and what we need to do as Christians

We're looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Monday, June the 20th, but you need to register first at:

© Pfander Centre for Apologetics - US, 2022
(65,390) Music: "Sweet Sunset" by Musiclfiles, from filmmusic-io
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