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LBRY Claims • forms-of-sound-made-real-from-2477


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Created On
22 Dec 2022 01:55:20 UTC
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Forms of sound made real from beyond all voids of nothingness - Structure without structure manifest
thanks for looking and listening This is sounds of a type that I have made, as this is a live feed video of the noises I have made over the years. 15,168 recordings in the playlist for 6 different songs from the list being played in shuffle together. these songs are mp3's and are 463 GB on my hard drive. there are 187 days & 7:59:32 hours of song length just mixing and mixing.. non-stop play limited by my network connection that will drop my connection every day or so maybe less or more. this is a resource to be use for your listening to.. or working with to make new things. this statement only holds true for the video feed videos Live performance is just the live performance sounds with an image of me playing these sounds enjoy

:WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. The audio as well may trigger an adverse reaction for certain audio sensitive people. Viewing and listening discretion is advised. :WARNING:

if you subscribe to me I will subscribe to you Usually thanks

I have been playing the supernova II by novation since 2000 mostly as often as I can. I have worked with the presets reprogramming over 1/2 of the over 500 presets -- each preset has 8 patches - each patch has almost an endless set of settings that can be adjusted during play or set and saved into their own settings. there are 10 sets of 128 patches to be added to each of the 4 sets of 128 performance settings 8 at a time.

One can see the simple side or the complex side of these videos both are equally valid how I do this is from a catalogue of many audio files using their sounds 4 or so at a time,.. this sound is translated into visual effects with a milkdrop program called beatdrop with these new video sound mixes I have I take various videos and "remix" thier audio and video into yet something new three videos and here probably 1 new audio file all going to a new video output ,.. simple set in a metronome that records just 11 minutes about 38 or 39 minutes of time then switches off two videos get mixed with blend mode settings changing at about 1 second per blend mode like a negative blend into a additive blend or subtractive blend but the set of about 20 different ways to blend at a different one each second this happens also for the resulting video stream that was blended like that to blend with another different 3rd video the same way with the change of mode at a different rate of change but still the same set of blend mode selections this then is output to a file being recorded for the set time an improvement will be a playlist of videos random order blending to another playlist of videos in random order and such this interface is not hard to make and comes out nice I like to also record my live performances and post them too or within the max 8 program where these videos get made... mmm might be confusing because it is so natural for me but kind of hard to explain what I am doing exactly but yeah I have had the synth since 2000 it cost $3,000 in 2000 and still works I get better and better every year 000
If there is anyone who knows how to comment then go for it. Please you can describe what you are seeing and hearing in these videos. These videos are made to inspire others to make and perform imagery with sound similar or not so similar. all my videos can be used as source files for new videos either music image or both by anyone .. I want to mention that If these videos are not easily downloadable, I will send the video to anyone who asks for them to use for themselves or in conjunction with others in making new videos. As well any portion of the video can be used either image by image(usually 60 images in a row every 1 second) with each image work as art or to be mixed into new art works like I do sometimes,.. and the music as well can be lifted out for any purpose such as to make new songs or sound constructions. I make these videos also because when I listen to them I don't hear audio hallucinations and looking at them I don't have visual hallucinations thus they solve my hallucination problems that are helped by these videos. I do not know, maybe they can do that for you??
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