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LBRY Claims • 01_09_2015Workout27_AdvancedSpark


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15 Dec 2022 00:54:03 UTC
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Safe for Work
Workout 27 – Advanced Spark

What’s Inside This Video:

Today’s video is an Advanced Sparks Workout. It’s an intense fast 20 minutes. You’ll work four one-minute movements circuited for 20 minutes. Since it’s advanced, you’ll be working your leg muscles hard with squats and lunges the entire time.

You’ll also be holding medium to heavy weights so you’re getting a great grip workout too. It’s a strenuous, but efficient workout. You’re working your full body, while achieving an intense cardiovascular workout. This combination of strength and cardio is so important for fat loss too.

With this advanced workout, you’ll also be giving your lower-back muscles a strong workout, which is great for balance and stabilization. Plan for your moves to be slow and controlled.

A word of caution: Since you are working the smaller back muscles it’s easy to lose form. So if you feel your form starting to go, stop and rest! Since you’re gripping weights, you may need to rest your forearms… so drop your weights and rest!

And don’t pace the workout. You’ll want to work it hard, until you have to rest. Then push hard again. Remember, we want you to rest.

With this Advanced Sparks workout, you’ll enjoy a large metabolic after-burn … meaning your body will be burning calories long after the workout is over. Let’s get started.

Workout Description: Lunge/Row/Fly; Lunge/Curl/Press; Lunge/Squat Lunge; Burpee

Equipment needed: Medium to heavy dumbbells, stopwatch or phone to time yourself
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