LBRY Block Explorer

LBRY Claims • StriveDollar


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Created On
18 Jul 2021 05:38:12 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
StriveDollar TriMonetary System, Easy Work, Money Creation Sales Tax, PM Cash, End Cyber Psywarfare
StriveDollar, TriMonetary System, Making Work Easier and More Productive, Creating Money on the Back End by the Money Creation mechanism replacing traditional Sales Tax, Incognito Mode for Your Money or Precious Metal Cash, and Ending Cyber Psywarfare.

StriveDollar -

1) Cryptocurrency Proof of Work mining light easy algo that CPUs can do on a laptop

2) Location-based

3) Energy-efficient

4) Uses fractal technology

5) Also includes Proof of Stake options

6) Decentralizated, distributed, democratized blockchain (so the little guys can make bigger money than the big guys on a proportional basis)

7) Institutionally anonymous but not a haven for drug and gun money laundering or RICO mafia organized crime rings

8) Enables/embraces freedom of speech/commerce/association/politics/religion or lack thereof

9) Private transactions with physical fiat paper dollars with Precious Metals embedded into those paper dollars that will maintain a good deal of its value but won't be so volatile that it can't be used as a currency for everyday transactions, which is the entire point of a currency in the first place!

i.e. The Strive TriMonetary system.

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Ethereum(ETH) 0xCA6a09c6C1f578992dbFBBa9A258743f236A7490

Bitcoin(BTC) bc1quy732g8huay3fr0dzslkd2p2g6yqg408cu88f4

Litecoin(LTC) LfLVV55VfNUamkL5YnrCcu17QpySym5fbu

Bitcoin Cash(BCH) qrqe602r0dgnruy4p22xddw9etv3t4cfhcxls9d0fd


Pirate Chain (ARRR) zs1q4e402asareq0rkfwne8wznevf3pwhjz3n9h63aypkce8znf2vs7l2zzqus9cgatnmgagyr4e4p

DASH Xy9kP1Weq4epLFoUipGtGrZMLogzwkmpmF

COSMOS(ATOM) cosmos183k95mkalar9g7tcx7966sugy5k0zjtat4qmuz

Dogecoin (DOGE) D8jPKVmnZAcB2burJvLLEtwCMSiMRc3qzF

#NewMonetarySystem #Crypto #Gold
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