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LBRY Claims • criminality's-worst-cheaters!!!


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Created On
14 Oct 2023 08:39:23 UTC
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CRIMINALITY'S WORST CHEATERS!!! (Honorable Mention Included)

I took all my other videos down because most were just copy-paste montages from other YouTubers and some got a lot of views (Over 1K+) so I decided not to continue down that route... However, I will be making an appeal that includes the names of every account I bought (including new 1s) and maybe just maybe my MAIN ACCOUNT gets unbanned (it's my main after all.), and if my main gets unbanned then who knows? Maybe I can make one last montage on it or something? Also, I'm probably gonna quit Criminality since it's so stale without hallows, sb launcher MK I & II, and other game passes that I DON'T HAVE ANYMORE. I was thinking of going into a Fitness/CSGO channel because I like those 2 and they are a million times better than criminality ban loops with no channel progress. Also, I'm going to be putting all my videos back up until the month ends/declined appeal whatever it doesn't matter anymore, to be honest, it feels like I've had only bad luck every time I found something to enjoy, for example, playing criminality 1.1 winter update to end up later forgetting about it after a week of playing then, coming back months later, with only a hotspot for wifi and a 15-year-old computer to play on that runs decently enough to give me 50+ frames at 5 gfx then finding a "friend" who I played with every chance I had for him to just leave me because I ended up getting falsely banned 2 weeks after playing 1.3 update which destroyed my fps which somehow made me start creating YouTube videos about it. After swapping from account to account I soon realized a friend of mine (I DIDN'T GIVE MY MAIN ACCOUNT TO HIM) cheated on every account I had given him causing me to waste 300$ (probably more) on crim accounts making it so I couldn't buy headless. (I wanted to hide easily.) I ended up having 1 or 2 accounts left which were BuddyITwo level 66 and TheodorLAOne level19 but I ended up getting banned on the level 66 account after not letting him use it anymore at level 50+ (I thought it was too high leveled) so he ended up just snitching himself out getting it banned in the process to spite me. I ended up using my alt account (Theo) for a while but then I made another account "TheodorLAFan" since "TheodorLAOne" ended up getting banned because I went into beginners and hit double headshots a couple times which made me use "TheodorLAFan" After making an appeal with my main account name in it and my alt accounts (Probably over 10) I got UNBANNED!!! on my alt account "TheodorLAOne" so I ended up letting a DIFFERENT FRIEND use my alt account "TheodorLAOne" which I trusted him greatly with since it was getting to level 30 but I also gave him TheodorLAFan as well (I forgot why). After TheodorLAFan got banned for 7300 days (like my main and alt accounts) I appealed again and ended up getting coolestshining (MY MAIN ACCOUNT) UNBANNED! but I wasn't quite out of the woods yet. I gave my friend my alt account "coolestshing" and we played together a while (We used to play in 1.2 and I'd let him use coolestshing in the past before so I was like, Why Not?) We had a lot of fun playing together like killing past teammates who were cheaters at one point, destroying servers together, and overall enjoying the game. Or at least I thought... I ended up giving my main account to him after it got unbanned in 1.3.5 to get the Criminality Map model to put in a thumbnail (It Worked) but I didn't realize that I should've kept him off my main and only my alt accounts since he could've gotten the models on one but I didn't really care since I and him had an agreement which went like this. Whenever I was offline he could play on my main to level me up and NOT waste more than 100K so I could easily grind it back in 1-2 hours. After having a lot of fun playing 1.3.5 1.4 with hallows and the sb launchers with nunchucks 1.5 came around. In 1.5 I never got to play but my friend got to play for me to show me what it was like. He ended up unlocking the Air Strike for 2 million putting me at 1.5 million but I was okay with it since I wouldn't ever get to level 150 (because of my past bans and time wasted) so I was okay with it. What I wasn't 100% okay with was him wasting over 250K on the air strike feature to get only 2-3 kills and die in the middle of one trying to kill ONE PLAYER WHO HAD ONLY A M4... Needless to say, I was disappointed but suggested to him that he can spend as much money as he wants as long as it was on guns, not air strikes. He obliged because when I got back to my PC (A very good PC I got to play on the entire 1.4 Update) I was apparently BANNED PERMANENTLY UNAPPEALABLE... Then I checked my other 3-4 remaining alt accounts and to my surprise, ALL OF THEM BUT ONE WERE BANNED... The only one that wasn't banned was the private account that I didn't share with him. Meaning he (Like my other friend) was a closet cheater. I will admit I bought him Synapse X (as a gift) But, I never knew that he had bought a paid script for a paid game...
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