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[3D Buzz][Photoshop CS5 Fundamentals] 025. Masks Panel
# Photoshop CS5 Fundamentals
Welcome to 3D Buzz's Photoshop CS5 Fundamentals video training series. This series introduces you to all the ins and outs of the world's most popular professional image editing software. Throughout the series, we'll be taking you through the critical skills you need to become a Photoshop master!

001. Introduction
002. Workspace at a Glance
003. Customizing the Workspace
004. New Documents and Document Windows
005. Basic Navigation
006. Zoom Tool In-Depth
007. Navigator Panel
008. Navigation Preferences
009. Painting Basics
010. Custom Brushes
011. Brush Panel
012. History
013. Painting with History
014. Channels vs. Layers
015. Layers In-Depth 1
016. Layers In-Depth 2
017. Layers In-Depth 3
018. Layers In-Depth 4
019. Blend Mode Primer
020. Darkening Blend Modes
021. Lightening Blend Modes
022. Overlay Blend Modes
023. Special Blend Modes
024. Intro to Masks
025. Masks Panel
026. Adding Masks to Groups
027. Clipping Masks
028. Adjustments and Adjustment Layers
029. Intro to Layer Styles
030. Style Presents
031. Deleting Layer Styles
032. Blending Options 1
033. Blending Options 2
034. Blending Options 3
035. Layer Style Secret Options
036. Layer Styles. Working with Contour
037. Drop Shadow
038. Inner Shadow
039. Outer Glow
040. Inner Glow
041. Bevel and Emboss 1
042. Bevel and Emboss 2
043. Bevel and Emboss 3
044. Satin
045. Color Overlay
046. Gradient Overlay
047. Pattern Overlay
048. Stroke
049. Histogram
050. Adjustment Layers Intro
051. Brightness/Contrast
052. Levels
053. Curves
054. Exposure
055. Vibrance
056. Hue/Saturation
057. Color Balance
058. Black and White
059. Photo Filter
060. Channel Mixer
061. Invert
062. Posterize
063. Gradient Map
064. Threshold
065. Selective Color
066 -Shadows Highlights
067. HDR Toning
068. Variations
069. Desaturate
070. Match Color
071. Replace Color
072. Equalize
073. Marquee Selections
074. Lasso Selections
075. Quick Select and Magic Wand
076. Quick Mask Mode
077. Selection Hotkeys
078. Color Range
079. Grow and Similar
080. Modify Selections
081. Transform Selection
082. Saving and Loading Selections
083. Transform Overview
084. Transform Options Bar
085. Transform Scale
086. Transform Rotate
087. Transform Skew
088. Transform Distort
089. Transform Perspective
090. Transform Warp
091. Transform Rotate, Flip, and Again
092. Free Transform
093. Puppet Warp
094. Content Aware Scaling

### 21 - Lightening Blend Modes
The lightening blend modes will make the pixels beneath your layer brighter in some way. In this video we show how they work.

### 22 - Overlay Blend Modes
Overlay and its associated blend modes are capable of lightening or darkening based on the particular situation. Learn about them here.

### 23 - Special Blend Modes
This video covers the remaining blend modes, which do more specialized tasks such as inverting or performing math operations on pixel values.

### 24 - Intro to Masks
Masks are one of the most important aspects of knowing how to fully utilize the power of Photoshop. We teach you the basics of them here.

### 25 - Masks Panel
The Masks panel offers an amazing level of power over the shape and outline of your mask. In this video we cover how to use it.

### 26 - Adding Masks to Groups
Masks can also be applied to groups and in this video we show you the advantages of doing so.

### 27 - Clipping Masks
Clipping masks are another way to control the visiblity of a layer on a pixel-by-pixel basis. In this video we show how they work.

### 28 - Adjustments and Adjustment Layers
This video introduces the concepts of adjustments and adjustment layers, showing how pixels of an image can be edited destructively or non-destructively.

### 29 - Intro to Layer Styles
In this video we introduce layer styles, which allow for a variety of special effects to be applied to a layer en masse or as defined by a layer mask.

### 30 - Style Presents
Presets allow you to create a specfic combination of layer styles and settings to create a specific look. In this video we show how they work.

### 31 - Deleting Layer Styles
Here we take a look at several of the ways you can remove layer styles from your layers or switch off their visibility.

### 32 - Blending Options 1
The Blending Options available within the Layer Styles window offer a vast amount of control for layer blending. We go over the first several options here.

### 33 - Blending Options 2
In this video we continue our look at the blending options, showing more settings to control how your layer affects or is affected by what is beneath it.

### 34 - Blending Options 3
We now wrap up our discussion of the blending options in CS5, showing the final checkbox settings and how they work.

### 35 - Layer Style Secret Options
There are features of the Layer Styles window that are not readily visible and may go unnoticed. Learn about them here!
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