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LBRY Claims • psilocybecubensisgenome


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Created On
6 Dec 2016 20:21:17 UTC
Transaction ID
Safe for Work
Psilocybe Cubensis Genome
Presented within is the decoded genome of Psilocybe cubensis. This fungi synthesizes the psychoactive compounds Psilocybin and Psilocin and the biosynthetic pathways for this is currently unknown. These schedule 1 compounds are being studied for their use in patients with advanced stage terminal cancer anxiety. We believe a public anonymously authored genome sequence will aid in the identification of the biosynthetic pathways and thus afford more efficient synthesis in other more easily cultured fungi or yeast. While natural sources of these compounds exist, their concentration in the wild can vary by an order of magnitude and fungi misidentification has led to toxicity in several clinical cases.

 The genome sequence is a draft whole genome shotgun of just under 50 megabases and is more contiguous than other controversial genomes like this. We suspect it will be heavily downloaded. To our knowledge this is the first authorless genome and we believe that is fitting with the message of this fungi. The sequence can be verified with BLAST. The ITS regions agree down to the species level and thousands of strong hits exist to Galerina marginata.

 Contributors to this work live in jurisdictions that would likely persecute scientists for an authored publication of such data and we hope MAPS can be of assistance in advancing this field of study for cancer patients by anonymously hosting the genome sequence. We would encourage any supporters of this work to donate first to MAPS to defray the hosting costs of this data.

If supporters of this work are interested in medical freedom we encourage people to donate to Free We understand the Free Ross campaign is controversial due to false accusations he was never convicted of. Additionally, the FBI agents involved in this case were retroactively revealed to have had admin passwords for the silk road for over 2 years and stole millions of dollars of bitcoin for their personal gain. The agents have since been convicted but Ross remains a political prisoner with double life sentences. Ross believed in ending the drug war with peaceful exchange and we believe his case sets a global precendence that implicates web hosting for the actions of their users.

 Please freely replicate this data but in doing so replace the links below with your own links to foster more decentralization and anonymity. VPN and Tor Networks are advised as the below host records IP addresses. There is also a proof of existence hash digest of this data in the Bitcoin Blockchain.

Pilot Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Patients With Advanced-Stage Cancer
Psilocybin with psychological support for treatment-resistant depression: an open-label feasibility study
SHA-256 digest of assembly d7f0491181879e836a9ce833896cbb0bfba82824 Psilocybe.Cubensis_de-novo-assembly.fa.gz

Content Type
Melted Ego
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