Intellectual Property debate :: Report from the EAA (AirVenture), flying cars :: 2020 election :: Julian Assange update :: Call from Lauren Rumpler :: Objectivism :: Self-driving cars & NH tourist sites :: NM State Rep pulled over for driving drunk :: Twitter stock :: Assange may be able to leave Ecuador's Embassy :: Life gets better after 50? :: Call from Sarah :: Study shows happiness increases with age :: HOSTS - Darryl, Ian, Mark ...
Did Ahmed use a regular clock's guts? :: Ahmed Conspiracy Theory :: Zero Tolerance :: Robot Worm :: Robot Rights :: UBER Under Attack From Governments :: UBER Driver Vows to Continue Civil Disobedience :: Driving with No License :: Fall of the Peaceful Streets Project? :: HOSTS - Ian, Cantwell
Satanic Temple Distributing Literature At Florida Schools :: Atheist Group's Lawsuit Against Orange County Schools Succeeds, Despite Dismissal :: Parenting With Openness to All Religions :: Govt School Supporter :: Allow All Viewpoints :: What is a church? :: Govt-Free Schools :: Distributing Info on College Campus :: Obligation to Pay Taxes? :: Menonite Schools :: Keenevention :: Homeschooling and Star Wars
Christopher Cantwell Calls from Jail Regarding Court Disparities :: World Secession Council :: Catalonia Secession Update :: Trump Russian Mob Connections :: Portsmouth Challening Keene for Crypto-Dominance :: Stream to Own? :: US Flag Symbolism :: Americans and Freedom :: FTL Accolades :: Not Trusting Governments :: Pride of Skin Color? :: Moon People :: Cops Claim Teen Consented to Sex While in Custody :: HOSTS - Ian, Mark
Boy Scout seeking Eagle Scout certification dies, family has sued the camp :: Call from a White Nationalist :: DACA :: Eagle Scouts :: Immigration :: Lawyer stealing funds :: Will Eagle Scouts become less significant? :: Hurricane relief :: Callers with thoughts on Eagle Scouts :: Question about finding IDs :: Eagle Scouts & military :: Bitcoin Trial in NY :: HOSTS - Darryl & Mark
Adam Kokesh, Libertarian Presidential Candidate, Joins Us to Discuss His Arrest :: Kokesh For Not President :: Decentralizing Power :: Bail :: Constitution and Due Process :: Freedom-Loving Cop? :: Alcohol Laws :: NH Freedom Migration :: Bitcoin :: Police Dog Searches :: US Govt Stoking Crime Fears About Acapulco :: France to Outlaw Catcalls? :: HOSTS - Ian, Mark
Authorities have been documented using underhanded tactics against political protests.
What's on your mind? Unlike those right-wing or left-liberal extremist shows, Free Talk Live is talk radio that ANYONE can take control of. Yes, even you. Free Talk Live is the next generation of issues-oriented talk. What is the meaning of freedom? This show is about Liberty with a capital L. For more, please visit:
Cryptocurrency Bloodbath :: New California Declares Independence :: New California Critique :: Declaration of Independence :: State Status Quo :: Catalonia Secession :: Rich People Buying Property :: Property Tax :: Chinese Miners Moving to Switzerland :: HOSTS - Ian, Johnson, Will
ICE to Access Massive License Plate Tracking Program :: Assessing News Media :: Black Shirt Ricky :: Rise and Fall of United States :: Drug War and Drug Companies :: Genocide and Information :: Outcompeting the State :: Sessions and Cannabis :: Good Sleep :: Power and Humans :: Sarah's Civil War :: Government Tracking :: HOSTS - Ian, Mark, Jonny Ray
DHS believed that Mark Karpeles was the Dread Pirate Roberts :: The Ross Ulbricht Trial :: The validity of the Bible :: Johnson calls a dude a douche-bag :: Why the bitcoin price is low :: Organized religion is dangerous :: Rand Paul visits New Hampshire, pleases gun folks, pisses off reporters :: Vermonter is jealous of New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation status :: Its like this too