Mr Roguski explains that if your country does not officially reject the 2022 Amendments to the WHO-International Health Regulation (IHR) by Nov. 2023, your country will come under full control by the WHO in 2024 whenever the WHO calls out the next 'pandemic'!
The national approval process has been abolished in 1948 and this as well as the upcoming Pandemic Treaty are legally binding and mandatory! Countries need to put in place a huge monitoring and implementation system, combined with increased censorship. The results brings tyranny over you at the will of the WHO. Your country's sovereignty is handed over by your government if you let them.
Interview (audio) with 'top advisor' of the WEF incl. Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates called 'historian and futurist Yuval Noah Harari has a story about the future that’s profound, exciting, and unsettling'.
It is useful to hear what organisations are thinking about you. And that is not good.: 'the future doesn't need many people'
Original: TED interview
Video about the content of the injections, the adverse effects and the people in the media, politics etc, the criminals pushing this genocidal agenda. This genocide is part of the global power take-over planned for many decades by the globalists/ deepstate.
President Kennedy warned for the events happening today. In Europe J. Attali prepared the plan for European/ human depopulation decades ago. This is now being implemented by 'politicians' as Macron (France), Rutte (Netherlands) etc. in Europe.
Speech of David Icke dd 29 Dec. 2024 on the elimination of free-speech by the un-elected EU, coordinated by the Netherlands government.
The Netherlands has been turned from a free and open country into an evil-controlled tyranny. The Dutch Prime minister 'Mr Spoof' is an un-elected former head of Dutch Intelligence that orchestrated the total tyranny during covid and totally connected to global evil !! The so-called 'opposition, free speech and and anti-migration' politician Geert Wilders won the last election but supports this fascist takeover process and turns back on all campaign promises. Note that he has close connections to Israel too. The Netherlands is a microcosm and model for global lawless tyranny.
The evil powers plan the total enslavement of humanity which will likely be accelerated in 2025. They will try to hit humanity and launch attacks on several different angles. The scope of evil is beyond the scope of most people with everything linked to AI and controlled by the evil forces. An interlocked network of secret societies orchestrate this.
There is a need for the 8 billion people in the world to not only watch and sit back but to massively stop to cooperate with the small group of evil governments and aligned industries, religious leaders. Humanity has to defend our freedom at all costs. it is time to stand up now and fight for freedom else humanity will be enslaved. Humanity needs stiff backbones and not bend an inch.
In May 2022, the WHO General Assembly agreed to a set of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). These were pointing towards handing over of national sovereignty to WHO. In addition, several countries and the ‘European’ EU have proposed changes, which are even more anti-human and basically evil. These have now been incorporated in a final amendment through a series of semi-secret ‘negotiations’ and ‘expert’ meetings. The result is basically a full takeover of power by the UN/ WHO in each country that does not object to it!
The essence is that the WHO takes over full control when the Director General declares a ‘pandemic’. This can be in case even of a ‘potential’ threat to health, environment or anything else. The WHO can demand or have others carry out measures as full lockdowns, forced vaccinations, movement of people etc. A system of national and international surveillance should be set up with monitors and focal points to ensure implementation.
Compliance is reinforced by sanctions as withdrawing loans from the IMF etc. This whole circus has been discussed and negotiated by unelected representatives and generally without discussion in senates or parliaments. It is a planned stealth attempt for a power-grab by the UN/WHO, their masters and servants in governments.
This dystopian scenario will only hold for countries that have not rejected the amendments officially. So countries should reject the amendment officially, the deadline is Nov. 2023. Note that if no response is sent, this implicitly means acceptance!
Therefore, it is essential that each country issues such a rejection letter. All efforts are required to keep humanity out of slavery.
The proposed strategy is
- 1) to pursue governments to reject the IHR amendments
- 2) take back power by the people in case of refusal by government.
Below are efforts for strategy for Australia namely:
a) to sign the petition to parliament and
b) to contact representatives/ MPs listed below to exit the WHO including rejecting the IHR amendments and not agree to the Pandemic Treaty.
- List of senators:
- List of all Members of Parliament (MPs):
The 75th World Health Assembly DID adopt amendments to the International Health Regulations on 27 May 2022. Australia was one of the nations that proposed these amendments. Every nation has 18 months from that date to REJECT THE AMENDMENTS under Article 61 of the IHR. Over 12 months have already passed since 27 May 2022. The opportunity to REJECT THE AMENDMENTS will expire in November 2023.
Petition EN5048 - Australia rejects amendments to the 75th WHA/WHO International Health Regulations
Petition Reason
We request that Parliament vote on whether to accept or reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) that were adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly on 27 May 2022. Every nation, including Australia, has the authority to reject these amendments under Article 61 of the IHR, but any such rejection must be within 18 months of their adoption. This must be done before the end of November 2023. The changes to Article 59 of the IHR would shorten the time for future amendments to enter into force from 24 to 12 months and would shorten the period of time for rejection or reservations to be submitted from 18 to 10 months. We object to these changes. The amendments to the IHR that were adopted on 27 May 2022 have not been debated in or voted on by Parliament. This is compounded by the fact that an additional 307 proposed amendments are currently being negotiated by the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR). The people of Australia have not had an opportunity to express their opinions regarding these legally-binding changes to international law.
Petition Request
We therefore ask the House to respect the will of the people of Australia and vote to reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations that were adopted by the World Health Assembly on 27 May 2022.
Source and info:
Video on the supposed shooting of a woman at Capitol Hill, 6 Jan. 2021. It shows a) the gunman shoots in the corridor, b) the lady falls on a patted backpack in between marble pillars, and c) there is no blood despite the woman allegedly is shot with .45 gun in the neck.
Original: Wardo Rants
Great video about 2 types of governments: 1) a corporate system - of course highly unlike present UK ... or 2) a sovereign one ?
The latter would work for the interest of the people and return responsibility to the people, not fund exterior wars, lower taxes, only few essential services, no wastage, stop polluting of the water and air, promote healthy food and farming, going into nature, freedom based on 'do no harm'.
But if we want the sovereign system we have to work to achieve this. The power can be with we-the-people but it doesn't come automatic, action is needed.
Video on how the poisonous chemicals for spraying the sky is stored in tanks in different types of planes that are adapted technically for this. Chemtrails bloc the sun as part of geo-engineering cq wheather warfare which is used to push the agenda of 'climate change'
Video dd 24/5/2020 by David Icke on the manipulation of the global elite related to saving the environment as outlined in Agenda21 of the UN.
Agenda 21 includes takeover of land and properties and control of the population. through measures for saving the environment major changes of society are proposed.
Most areas in the US are planned as 'core areas' or 'buffer zones' for nature. Rural areas are depopulated and humans concentrated in a few enclaves or ‘human settlement zones. See UN document Agenda 21.
The way to achieve this is via changing laws, defunding rural areas incl. rural infrastructure and active measures such as weather manipulation(spray Sulphur in air as in 1996). Forest, deserts, oceans will all be controlled by a central technocraxy lead by the global elite 'the 1%'.
Source David Icke