What Exactly Happened at the Libertarian Convention?
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by Mises Apprentice Liam McCollum, who was at last weekend’s Libertarian Party National Convention. They discuss Donald Trump’s presence at the event, what the LP nominee means for 2024, and the potential future of libertarian transactional politics.
View the full episode at https://Mises.org/RR81
Radio Rothbard is a weekly podcast featuring a cast of Mises Institute voices and special guests. The show tackles politics, current events, culture, media, and of course the predatory state, all from an uncompromising Rothbardian perspective. Radio Rothbard is the weekly anti-politics podcast you won't want to miss!
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Includes an introduction by Jeff Deist. Recorded at "State Propaganda and the 2020 Election" in Lake Jackson, Texas, on November 9, 2019.
Liberty-loving people have an obligation to challenge and refute propaganda at every turn: to present truth as a non-negotiable element of a free society. Speakers explore propaganda in the context of the upcoming 2020 presidential election, which is certain to create a barrage of disinformation aimed at steering the American electorate.
View the full episode at https://Mises.org/LP2
Liberty vs. Power is a history podcast dedicated to what Murray Rothbard saw as the noble task of libertarians: "to de-bamboozle: to penetrate the fog of lies and deception of the State and its Court Intellectuals."
Featuring Dr. Patrick Newman and Tho Bishop, each episode is dedicated to exposing the cronyism that has fueled the growth of the American empire, and celebrating those precious victories in defense of liberty.
To Subscribe to the "Liberty vs. Power Podcast" on your favorite platform, visit https://Mises.org/LvP
Music: "Army of Soldiers" by The Brought Low is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 International License.
The Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture, sponsored by Sally von Behren. David Hart is the Online Library director at the Liberty Fund and academic editor of the 'Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat'. Presented at the Austrian Economics Research Conference at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 10 March 2017. Includes introductory remarks by Joseph T. Salerno.
The lecture was presented by Murray Rothbard at the 1990 Mises University. Recorded at Stanford University on July 8, 1990.
View the full episode at https://Mises.org/RR71
Radio Rothbard is a weekly podcast featuring a cast of Mises Institute voices and special guests. The show tackles politics, current events, culture, media, and of course the predatory state, all from an uncompromising Rothbardian perspective. Radio Rothbard is the weekly anti-politics podcast you won't want to miss!
To subscribe on your favorite platform, visit https://Mises.org/RothPod
Alertness, Discovery and Resource-Based Strategy. Ed Pletner talks with Hunter Hastings about applying these economic concepts to start, grow, and manage a thriving and highly differentiated business.
Show Notes: https://mises.org/library/ed-pletner-applies-alertness-discovery-and-capabilities-based-strategy-start-manage-and-grow
Alertness, Discovery and Capabilites-Based Strategy (PDF): https://Mises.org/E4E_10_PDF
Economics For Entrepreneurs is also available on...
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and via RSS: https://mises.org/itunes/735
The Murray N. Rothbard Memorial Lecture, sponsored by Helio Beltrão. The Austrian Economics Research Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of the Austrian School, bringing together leading scholars doing research in this vibrant and influential intellectual tradition.
The conference is hosted by the Mises Institute (Mises.org) at its campus in Auburn, Alabama, and directed by Joseph Salerno, professor of economics at Pace University and academic vice president of the Mises Institute.