Let's Play Assassins Creed III - Click Arrow for Detailed Description
Sequence: 0/12
Deaths: Unkown
Total Missions Completed: 0/46
Almanac Pages Found: 0/36
Treasure Chests Collected: 0/38
Feathers Collected: 0/50
Peg Leg Trinkets Collected: 0/24
Pivot Points Found: 0/12
Homestead Missions Completed: 0/37
Time Stamps: Coming Soon!
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But most importantly , ENJOY the Content to you're heart's content.
Note: Every game will be done atleast 2 times [a CASUAL RUN & a HARDCORE RUN]
But in order to unlock the Hardcore run , all paths within the game has to be beated.
There for: Games with 1 playthrough will be AUTOMATICLY done in NO COMMENTARY style.
Since the Hardcore Runs will be LIVESTREAM SPEEDRUNS and there for AUTOMATICLY with COMMENTARY.
Games with multiple paths will be done with and without commentary + a Hardcore Run livestream.
Also Note: That should i miss days of upload , due to the need to regenerate , then they will be automaticly refilled once i start sheduling again.
This doesn't happen often but it does happen , the longer the in-activity the more i will upload in 1 day to catch up [so be warned lol]