http://WeUseCoins.com - Bitter Keene bureaucrat says free staters get away with way too much.
This vid is part of the "Keene: New Hampshire's North Korea" playlist. Click here to watch in sequence:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=SPGeF52rAuBvUzzzYhcvYPpskn9PeUfnJTPartial transcript of text that appears in the vid:
' I have additional questions for employees at Keene City Hall. They breeze past a court metal detector, while most of us who actually produce things get searched. Note however that I understand the machine is to be removed around December 2013. (GAP) By "through" I really mean "around." (GAP) "You guys get special treatment, and you get away with this stuff." (GAP) Her look is priceless but my angle was too wide. "He doesn't know how to talk now." '
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You can my latest BTC and LTC addresses, at
http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=23375.0 I generally keep the wallet pretty empty...for security reasons. So plz do not be shy about letting me know you've donated. That way I can evacuate or spend the BTC's....
This is how to buy an ad - on the Ridley Report...
http://nhunderground.com/forum/index.php?topic=15218.msg257753#msg257753Some, or all, the video and audio in this clip is probably available for you to use. You can use it commercially or however you like.
Basically anything that was shot by me or...was public domain to begin with. Until further notice my stuff is automatically
released into the public domain. Usually if I shot it... "RidleyReport.com" or "YouTube.com/WinWinParty" will appear at the bottom. Anything...which has that super or was obviously shot by me, is public domain.
Here's the playlist of the Ron Paul 2013 speeches that I've illustrated with video so far...
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGeF52rAuBvUDfgFRaQKI6dY3MaGXs2Io&feature=view_allMusic by Dada Orwell (aka me).
free keene, new hampshire nasty. cops, police, free state project new hampshire julian assange, edward snowden, ron paul, rand paul government, anarchism anarchists politics republicans democrats authoritarians. busybodies activism disagreeable argument angry unhappy rude being filmed objects taunting taunts libertarians libertarianism voluntaryism voluntaryists, officers federal reserve feds nh freedom liberation successful resistance movements. dave ridley report ridleyreport indie reporters journalists journalism pushback free keene from the free staters robin hood hooders ben swann full disclosure creative commons license hunter s. thompson public domain footage video free to use videographers. first amendment free speech freedom of the press media atlas shrugged metal detector