Update on fraud-related processes of the USA 2020 election with rising support of Republicans for President Trump, the need for approval of electors by VP Pence, Trump-positive ruling and developments in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia.
Dr Steve Turley, 18 Dec. 2020
Video about the content of the injections, the adverse effects and the people in the media, politics etc, the criminals pushing this genocidal agenda. This genocide is part of the global power take-over planned for many decades by the globalists/ deepstate.
President Kennedy warned for the events happening today. In Europe J. Attali prepared the plan for European/ human depopulation decades ago. This is now being implemented by 'politicians' as Macron (France), Rutte (Netherlands) etc. in Europe.
Original: https://rumble.com/vnw69v-volk-wordt-wakker-de-grootste-misdaad-in-de-wereldgeschiedenis.html?mc_cid=b2191df4ef
Overview of the status of the various lawsuits the Trump team is carrying out. The Supreme Court ordered to keep all late votes separate to see if this would change the election results. if thsi doesn't change the result they will not take action otherwise the Supreme Court is likely to overturn the results.
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv1xOO7lKfg
Interview with Prof. Dolores Cahill, ‘Debunking the Corona Narrative’, 13 May 2020
Computing Forever speaks with Professor Dolores Cahill, an experienced biological scientist with over 25 years expertise in high-throughput protein array, antibody array, and proteomics technology development. Dr. Cahill is a senior adviser for the Irish government on health and high-quality scientist running virus labs on the Cov-19 situation and vaccine production.
She has degree in molecular genetics and a PhD in immunology on using antibodies. She spent eight years in the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, where she led a group and developed technology to look at the specificity of antibodies and different diagnostic assays to diagnose autoimmune diseases. E.g. for virus patients assess whether they were exposed to a virus or not.
Her team reviewed publications on antibodies and involved in correcting published research. She was involved in developing the meningitis B vaccine for Africa and worked in a class 4 bio lab (bioweapons). She was awarded by the German Minister for science and joined since 20 years the German Advisory Science Council, advising funding agencies the BAE and AF and is in the Advisory Science Council for the Strategy for Science Technology and Innovation of Ireland.
Since 2016 she is the Vice Chair of the Scientific Committee for the Innovative Medicines Initiative of the European Union.
In this interview she dismantles many of the popular assumptions about Coronavirus repeated by politicians and public health officials.
Key points:
- People with ‘cases’ are immune for life. This is very positive though the media report ’cases’ as a threat
- People died from Cov-19 are all over 80 or had underlying diseases.
- The models used by the Imperial College to fearmonger on the effects of Covid-19 are one-sided and substandard. This is in line with results in the report by Prof ,Knut Wittovski, senior epidemiologist and director CDC (US): Influenca A and B have passed in 2020 already before Cov-19. The data indicate that the virus peaked in April and is gone by now!
- People naturally are surrounded have millions of bacteria and virus. Exposure to this is essential to keep the immune system healthy. The immune system is central. It requires exposure to bacteria and virus so be healthy. You only need to keep the immune system up to date with Vit A, C, D and Zink.
- There is no need for lockdowns as viruses come and go naturally yearly. Forced isolation especially of elderly is actually killing people and acts as euthanasia.
- Results of test-kits are incorrect as they measure ‘flu-like ‘symptoms. Previous infections e.g. from influenza a and b in 2020, result in antibodies. The Cov-19 test will find this and classify you as a ‘Cov-19’ case even if you don’t have it.
Approach for Cov-19:
- Needed is only isolation of vulnerable people and ensure their immune systems are boosted. This would have greatly prevented any negative effects.
- Hydroxy Chloroquine (HCQ) is to be provided to people who have symptoms. It is cheap and effective and tested for over 60 years. This was used in Wuhan to stop the spread. In a study of 68.000 people, only 4 got some heart problems.
- There are no vaccines for this type of virus. EU and GAVI spend millions on ‘vaccine’ development and application. Vaccines are expensive and not needed as HDC is available and effective. Virus change their composition yearly so vaccines should also be adjusted yearly, which is impossible in terms of time and costs. Vaccines need to be tested before application as there are many risks.
- Restrictive policies have clearly very negative effects: a) lockdowns have major negative social, economic and medical effect -social and economic stress, economic downturn and people who need proper medical care don’t get this now and may die as a result- , b) masks don’t prevent but induce spread of virus by infected persons and c) Social distancing is unnecessary since immune systems provide protections whilst creating an anti-social culture.
What about Italy’s Covid- crisis?
- Italy had a high level of air pollution, elderly population, many smokers and people who were earlier vaccinated. People with vaccinations against SARS prove to be more vulnerable to new diseases as Cov-19 due to a special reaction in the body, as reported by the US army.
Globalist, medical and media manipulation for control:
- Media is fearmongering people by daily listing numbers of cases and deaths. They never advise to take care of your own immune systems or highlight effective treatment by HCQ.
- This ‘pandemic’ is basically a hoax, but the measures destroy social systems and economies of whole countries including food production systems and incomes of people.
- Mandatory vaccinations are pushed by WHO, Gates etc. This is unnecessary as there is effective treatment and unexplainable. Incorrect restrictive policies of holding people locked up and hence need to be opposed.
- Data indicate that all deaths are ‘Cov-19’, no more heart disease, accidents etc. However, the total number of deaths is similar to previous years, no extra from Cov-19.
- Wuhan research focused on mutations and modifications of genes of Covid-19 and results are published in esteemed ‘Nature Medicine’. It proves that the virus has been artificially modified as transfer from bats would take 800 years.
- Simultaneously as the ‘Covid crisis’, animal production in the US and Europe is broken down and the production of artificial meat promoted with ample support of Bill Gates to fully control people.
Going forward:
- For a next ‘phase’ of an epidemic: a) no lockdowns and other restrictions, b) focus only on supporting the immune systems of elderly and vulnerable people
- The media, politicians and key players need to answer for the damage done by fearmongering, power control, promoting mandatory vaccination, Covid- ID tracking and blocking effective treatment. People need to get back control and freedom e.g. through court cases to stay healthy and be able to earn a living.
Staff of the police force, army, medical and the educational system organize regular marches to protest the tyrannic government Covid-19 measures of lockdowns, masks, curfews, censorship and injecting people including children with the so-called 'vaccine'. The march in May 2021 in Barneveld clearly showed peoples power by peacefully overrunning a military police blockage that tried to stop the march. For the later marches in June and July the mayors did not call in the military police, these were peaceful and people enjoyed their temporary relieve with music. A common feature are the yellow umbrellas.
Police for Freedom Rotterdam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMVpkHM3-8w
Video on the rather unknown area of Khazaria in Eastern Europe/ Asia, who's rulers converted in the 8th century into Jews whilst having a largely muslim army. This is in a period with ample trade on the Silk Road between China, Khazaria, Muslim-controlled regions and Europe. Ascendents later spread out and converted into Catholicism in Western Europe and remained officially Jewish in Eastern Europe/ Asia.
Lecture by Matthew Ehret, 27 May 2020.
Original: https://theduran.com/khazaria-and-the-forgotten-christian-jewish-muslim-confucian-alliance/
'Today’s age of imperial geopolitics has made it difficult for many people to appreciate the cooperative traditions in history that gave rise to the great discoveries and progress of humanity’s experience. From the ancient Silk Road uniting the east with the west in trade and cultural exchange for hundreds of years to the 7-9th century alliance of Christian, Jewish, Muslim civilisations, history has proven that humanity is much more than a Hobbesian animal- perpetually prejudiced to others, intolerant to differences and greedily “looking out for number one”.
Although this mis-anthropic view of human nature has been carefully amplified by generations of imperial gatekeepers of history, philosophy, anthropology and sociology, the fact is that it is no more true than the theory that the earth is flat.
Both theories (ie: “flat earth” and “Hobbesian beast-man”) both have the effect of crippling the powers of creative reason in the minds of its adherents, undermining the maturation of conscience in the hearts of its believers and has kept humanity chained to sets of ideas that act as self-regulating barriers between our “material selves” on the one side and our higher potentials for discovery and self improvement on the other. “Stay within your limited field of activity” says the master to its slaves, “and never dream of venturing too far outside your proscribed limits”.
In this lecture, I introduce the story of the little known Turkic kingdom of Khazaria which converted to Judaism in the mid 8th century and which served as a keystone of the Tang Dynasty’s Silk Road revival as well as intermediary between the beautiful ecumenical alliance of the Abbasid Dynasty’s great Caliph Haroun al Rashid and the Carolingian Dynasty’s leader Charlemagne.
Within this class, the question is treated: how and why did this civilisation and broader ecumenical story get scrubbed out of history? How did the Venetian empire and other vestiges of the corrupt Roman Empire reorganise itself after Rome’s collapse and successfully undermine this peace of faiths by unleashing years of Crusades, Mongol invasions, inquisitions while simultaneously engineering a new bankers’ dictatorship after the 13th century that became a dominant force of evil in the world? How did such artists as Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Schiller expose this side of the empire within their works in later years?
This lecture is part of a larger ongoing series entitled “The Renaissance Principle in Universal History”.
Breaking news. Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada Electors have indeed VOTED FOR TRUMP! Today the electoral college met to vote for president, some GOP electors announced they cast their ballots for Trump. What does it mean for the ongoing contesting of the election, and why this further underscores the fact that this is not yet over by a longshot.
Dr Steve Turley, 15 Dec.2020
Original: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HSQGhxKiZyY/
Highly recommended down-to-earth but disheartening interview of Man in America with the highly experienced Michael Yon of the almost unavoidable white genocide which is starting now in the UK.
Western countries in Europe are basically gone !!. They have been invaded by hordes of fighting age men from different tribes incl. Afghans, Nigerians mainly Muslims at high proportions. Countries like Ireland have a 30% of more fighting age 'migrants' which just equals the number of real Irish men. Arming the migrants with big knives would already go a long way of implementing the white genocide in Europe where people are so far unorganized and weak.
Whites have to organize and defend their borders, remove governments that don't support them, defend their territory and push out the migrants. If the resistance doesn't get in place soon Europe and likely the US is lost very soon and turn into absolute chaos. The US must learn from this and wake up.
Additional notes: The J's are dancing in Israel about the UK starting violence as this is the evil plan to control the world by creating world wars and civil strive. The logic is to have Whites/ Christians fight Muslims and let them kill each-other as much s possible after which there will be hardly any resistance for J's world dominance. Rabbies will tell you this openly also that whites (are so stupid that they) don't believe this evil plan even in plain sight. And that seems valid.
There are reports that the migrants are housed in military camps e.g. in Ireland and that these are a silent army that will come into action when signaled. In Australia, Canada and the US there are UN military basis set up several years ago.
Source: https://rumble.com/v59xvx6--white-genocide-begins-in-uk-and-europe-wake-up-america-w-michael-yon.html
Archbishop Viganò makes his first on-camera appearance in two years, addressing the crisis in the Catholic Church and specifically the connection between Vatican II and the revolution of Pope Francis. Basically the archbishop outlines the breakdown and infiltration of the catholic church in the last 60 years in support of free masonry and the New World Order.
All of the CIC talks are available to order via video on demand at RemnantNewspaper.com: https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/inde...
Original: TheRemnantVideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbO-1jO1LlE