2020 POTUS Democrat hopefuls :: Elizabeth Warren :: Gary Johnson Senate run :: Carla Gericke banned from old folks home :: Andrew Cuomo says America not that great :: HOSTS – Mark, Chris R., Heather ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LwulCsU_b4
Mississippi woman jailed for 96 days won the right to sue county :: Twitter to ban RT from buying ads :: Systemic problems of government :: Teen given a Cease-and-Desist order for contacting his Congressman :: Free Speech organizer sues Mayor of Boston for $100 million :: College of the Ozarks instituting a mandatory patriotism class :: Robot granted Saudi citizenship :: HOSTS - Darryl, Heather & Chris
Gizmodo – Pentagon ordered to tell Congress if they Weaponized Ticks for Lyme Disease? :: Secret stuff on Militrary Bases :: The Pledge of Allegiance – Time to go? :: Minnesota City Reinstates Pledge before Council Meetings :: Caller - “you’re not making any friends dissing the Pledge :: The Pledge’s Socialist History :: Frances Bellamy – Father of Pledge, was fired as Baptist Minster for “Jesus, the Socialist” sermon :: Trump and Racisim :: HOSTS – Chris, Johnson, Silver Dave
Willful Defiance and Government Schools :: Schools are Prisons :: Junkie Factory :: Electoral College :: Ending Government Education :: Govt School Teacher Calls In :: Church Shooter Video :: Dissenter :: Will USPS Privatize? :: HOSTS - Ian, Conan, Johnson
The Kill Switch :: Peakless and the pin of shame :: Tipping while on vacation :: Government should stop recommending covid shots :: Ridley says federal government is the reason for corruption :: Skeeter says incoherent babble :: The state and marijuana :: Pornstar says being in army worse than being on Onlyfans :: Legal and Good are not the same :: The Speedo Lite - David and his translucent speedo :: FCC votes to control internet :: 2023-11-18 Hosts: Captain Kickass, Rich E Rich, Peakless Mountaineer
Desantis vs Disney :: Social Security :: World GDP vs New Hampshire :: Chinese Cold War? :: Google Bard to Compete with ChatGPT? :: Copyright Cartel :: Chinese Spy Balloon :: Entrepreneur Sarah? :: Copyright Cartel vs USENET :: 2023-02-10 Ian, Chris W.
Red Tide Controversy :: Amateur vs Professional Jurors :: Fertilizers :: Government Accountability :: Seniors and Car Accidents :: Local vs Federal Accountability :: Feminism :: Govt Shutdown :: Move to NH, Libertarians :: Domestic Violence Charge :: Voting and Consent :: Fed Judge Rules it Legal to Secretly Record Bureaucrats :: HOSTS - Ian, Mark, Aria
Westboro Baptist Church Bails on Planned NH Protest :: Disgust with Libertarian Violence Advocacy :: Freedom Satisfaction Ratings Down For US :: What does freedom mean? :: Bitcoin Intro :: Authority :: Secession :: Anti-Bitcoin Luddite :: What about military bases during secession? :: Lying Politicians :: Immigration System :: Incumbents :: Fear of Secession :: Hong Kong :: Privatization
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy charged with assault, conspiracy :: The conspiracy of the Mercator Projection Map? :: Malheur refuge now faces sweep for explosives, evidence :: More talk about maps :: FBI trying to connect the 2014 BLM situation to the Malhour Wildlife occupation? :: Some police aren't happy with Beyonce's performance at the Super Bowl 50 halftime show :: Did the FBI try provoking the occupiers into a shoot-out? :: Gallup Poll has a new estimate of the number of libertarians in the American electorate :: Game of the Week
HOSTS: Darryl, Chris R., Conan