Government Officially Refuses to File Murder Charges Against Ross Ulbricht :: Silk Road Tragedy :: Monsanto :: Midterms :: Intrinsic Value and Crypto :: Game of Thrones Banned from Prison :: NY Manchild :: MGTOW and Red Pill :: WGTOW Sarah :: Walmart Taxis :: HOSTS - Ian, Darryl, Conan ...
Student Making Gun Motions! :: Mark's Son Getting Interested in Video Games :: Jimmy on Public Schools :: Unschooling and Video Games :: How Much Control for Unschooling Parents? :: Massive Speed Trap? :: Pothole Damage :: Elm Tree Removal :: Poo-Tossing Mayor
UBER Driving :: Gun Rallys :: Voluntarist Challenge :: Tipping :: Employees vs Contractors :: Starting a Business :: Problems With UBER :: Dave in NY on Female WWE Stars :: Entrepreneurs :: Maternal Mortality :: Syria Bombing :: Free State Project and Forkfest :: US Imperialism :: HOSTS - Ian, Darryl, Chris W.
Michigan State students find $21T in unauthorized spending :: DoD to conduct first ever departmentwide audit :: Reasons for high government spending :: Trump wants the federal government to use cloud-based services :: Government efficiency :: Ricky ordered pizza :: Ricky is now southern :: Trump wants to go to the moon :: Space travel :: Sarah says there was no moon landing :: Killer window blind cords :: HOSTS - Darryl, Chris & Heather
Hoverboards Banned in NYC :: Non-Violent Communication :: Refugees :: Child Civil Disobedience :: Obeying the State :: Mass Civil Disobedience :: Islam Variants :: TOR Anonymity Questioned :: Underground Markets :: Bitcoin and Criminality :: TJ the Spy :: HOSTS - Ian, James, TJ the Spy
Robot workers and raising the minimum wage :: Will California crumble in Skeeter's lifetime :: Is it harder to get a job currently? :: Party for political prisoners in DC :: Roger Ver in prison :: McAffee didn't kill himself :: Housing regulations cause shortages :: Florida bill restricts 1st Amendment auditing RFK had a worm in his brain :: 2024-05-08 :: Hosts: Bonnie, Lori, Lyme Chris
Pelosi asks Trump to “Use The Constitution” to take your rights :: Dominoes Wants Supreme Court to Rule they don’t need a blind-enabled app :: Caller – 3D Guns :: Caller – will UBI (universal basic income) programs cost more than our welfare programs :: Caller – real need for blind-friendly mobile apps, but the government shouldn’t require them of businesses :: HOSTS – Chris, Riley Blake and Nobody
Jeremy Kauffman Joins us From LBRY to Discuss the SEC's Terrorism :: Fairtax? :: Odysee Memberships Now Available :: FL Teachers Threatened with Felonies over Unapproved Reading Material :: NH Cannabis Legalization :: Cannabis and Retail :: Colorado Cake Maker Still Being Harassed in Court :: 2023-01-31 Ian, Aria
New York Libertarian Gubernatorial Election :: Campus Polling :: Libertarians Kept from Debates :: Alleged Bomber :: Leftists Pushing Views on Campus :: Energy Policy :: Voting Rights :: Voting and Email Security :: Gaming and Twitch :: Gab Targeted for Takedown Over User's Speech :: Mastodon :: HOSTS - Ian, Michael, Vincent